RMG – Rectificados y Mecanizados




This process is essential to obtain flat surfaces with very tight tolerances and superior finishes, crucial for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications. Our approach combines advanced technology with the expertise of our technicians, ensuring consistent and high quality results in every project. Whether you need to grind machine bases, slide guides, molds or dies, we are ready to meet your specific requirements. Advantages of Flat or Tangential Grinding Service

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Characteristics of the Flat or Tangential Grinding Service

Latest equipment

We use state-of-the-art flat or tangential grinding machinery, capable of handling various materials and ensuring optimum precision in every operation.

Experienced technicians

Our team consists of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in flat grinding. Their knowledge and skills guarantee quality in every project.

Custom solutions

Each project is unique, so we offer services tailored to the specific needs of our customers. We perform a detailed analysis to ensure that the grinding process fits perfectly to the requirements of each part.

Rigorous quality control

We implement strict quality controls at all stages of the flat grinding process, using advanced measurement tools to verify that all parts meet the highest standards.

Ventajas del Servicio de Rectificado
Plano o Tangencial

Quality control

Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia se refleja en el uso de tecnología avanzada y la pericia de nuestros técnicos, lo que nos permite proporcionar resultados de high quality que cumplen con los estándares más exigentes de la industria.

Contact with

En Rectificados y Mecanizados Gamez, nos enorgullece superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes ofreciendo un servicio de rectificado plano o tangencial de la más alta calidad.
Contáctanos hoy para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios y descubrir cómo podemos ayudarte a mejorar el rendimiento y durabilidad de tus componentes mecánicos.