RMG – Rectificados y Mecanizados

Internal grinding



At Rectificados y Mecanizados Gámez, we are experts in offering high precision solutions in the field of internal grinding.

Our commitment is to provide a perfect finish and meet the highest standards on the market. Internal grinding is a key process to ensure that mechanical parts work properly, especially in applications requiring narrow tolerances and exceptional surface finishes.

our team uses latest generation machinery and advanced techniques for performing grinding of a wide variety of components. From cylinders and caps up to engine components and special pieces, we ensure that each part meets the required technical specifications.

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Características del Servicio de Rectificado Interior

Cutting-edge technology

We have state-of-the-art interior grinding machines that allow us to achieve unmatched levels of precision. These machines are equipped with advanced control systems that ensure maximum accuracy in every operation.

specialized staff

Our team of technicians and operators is highly trained and has years of experience in the field of interior grinding. Their expertise ensures that each part is treated with the utmost care and precision, respecting the customer’s specifications.

Personalized process

We understand that each project has unique needs. Therefore, we offer customized interior grinding solutions, adapting to the specific requirements of each customer and each part.

Quality assured

Quality is our priority. We implement rigorous quality controls at every stage of the interior grinding process, ensuring that all parts meet the highest quality standards.


Quality control

Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia se refleja en el uso de tecnología avanzada y la pericia de nuestros técnicos, lo que nos permite proporcionar resultados de high quality que cumplen con los estándares más exigentes de la industria.

Contact with

En Rectificados y Mecanizados Gámez, nuestro objetivo es superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes proporcionando un servicio de rectificado interior de la más alta calidad.
Contáctanos hoy para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios y descubrir cómo podemos ayudarte a mejorar el rendimiento y durabilidad de tus componentes mecánicos.